Healthy Oceans. Healthy Communities.

fionn-yaxley's blog

‘Blue Fish’ Blues: Why Supermarkets Cannot Utilize Seafood Eco-Labeling As Cover Against Slavery at Sea

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Submitted by fionn-yaxley on Thu, 10/24/2024 - 12:19

"Nakamura also disclosed efforts by the MSC to suppress the study’s findings. “The MSC dismissed the claims, saying its focus is ecological—which, by the way, is a line they forced me to add to the introduction when they pressured the journal during peer review. They’ve twice obtained the research data, findings, methods, and manuscript since June 2023, adjusting their website along the way.

EXCLUSIVE: Ministry investigated for alleged breach over Campbell River 'bloodwater' debacle

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Submitted by fionn-yaxley on Thu, 10/24/2024 - 11:59

"In 2017, Quadra Island investigative photojournalist Tavish Campbell released underwater footage of plumes of red water flowing from the fish processing plant's discharge pipe into Brown's Bay. The bay connects to Discovery Passage, part of the Fraser River salmon migration route." B.C. Ministry of Environment investigated over Campbell River blood water debacle. Find out more.

Peer-reviewed research: pathogen threats from salmon aquaculture to wild pacific salmon conservation in B.C.

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Submitted by fionn-yaxley on Thu, 10/24/2024 - 11:07

“This study indicates greater risks to wild salmon than the science advice currently provided by the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) to DFO,” notes Gideon Mordecai, research associate at the University of British Columbia and co-author of the study. Read the full article.

‘I won’t believe it until I see it happen’: Could a ban on sea farms save Canada’s salmon?

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Submitted by fionn-yaxley on Thu, 10/17/2024 - 10:27

“Concerns about the industry’s impact on wild salmon played a leading role in the closure of about three dozen farms in British Columbia over the past seven years, after Clayoquot Action and other groups documented sea lice outbreaks and other diseases in farmed fish, including at farms along migration routes for wild salmon.” Read the full Guardian article.

B.C. researchers work to protect remote communities from shellfish biotoxins

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Submitted by fionn-yaxley on Wed, 09/04/2024 - 16:51

"The ultimate goal is to create a portable and accessible testing kit that can be widely distributed to remote communities to accurately test for biotoxins that can be lethal when consumed but have no taste or smell and can’t be cooked off, Green said." Read the full article.
