Healthy Oceans. Healthy Communities.

Minister to recommend 8-10-year licences?

May 24, 2024

In an article published today in the National Post, John Ivison makes the odd statement, "It is understood that Fisheries and Oceans Minister Diane Lebouthillier will put forward a plan to renew the existing licences of open net-pen Atlantic salmon farms for another eight to 10 years, giving them time to transition to systems that reduce interaction between wild and farmed salmon."  Understood by whom? The content of the Minister's plan is subject to Cabinet confidentiality and none of us knows what's in it. This could be merely a regurgitation of the salmon feedlot industry's wildest dreams; or it could be a leak.

Just in about reminding the Prime Minister to keep his promise to remove salmon farms from B.C. waters?  Click here to send a letter.

Read Ivison's article first, if you want to raise your blood pressure just a little before sending that note to the PM!
