Healthy Oceans. Healthy Communities.

Coastal Marine Strategy released: implementation next big step

July 12, 2024

BC’s first Coastal Marine Strategy was released July 11.  It is a holistic vision with a 20-year horizon to guide how we will steward and manage the coast – in a more proactive and coordinated way than before. Excellent news, for sure; but now the hard work of translating it into enforceable legislation and regulation begins.  Because we all know how many good plans are collecting dust while piecemeal development erodes the integrity of our coasts. 

The Strategy was co-developed by the Government of BC and coastal First Nations, and included public feedback from those who live and work along the coastline. Implementation of the new Strategy will be co-managed by the Province and First Nations. 

Why is this big news? Because this shows BC is taking its responsibility to care for the coast seriously and is committed to fixing the problems stemming from the fragmented way the Province has been managing coastal issues. The partnership with First Nations is a big step toward reconciliation, particularly because the Nations involved live and work on the coast and have often borne the brunt of poor land management practices. 

The Strategy outlines four themes: healthy coastal marine ecosystems, resilience to climate change, thriving coastal economies and communities, and informed governance. Under these themes are nine goals and 24 supporting actions to achieve its vision. 

Read more about it

View the Coastal Marine Strategy.
