Healthy Oceans. Healthy Communities.

Energy and Climate Change

[Not] Living with the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

“When approving the Trans Mountain expansion project, the federal government made promises that measures to reduce the tanker threats to killer whales would be in place before the pipeline was operational. The Governor in Council made these pledges in its Order in Council approving the project, but the federal government has failed to complete them.” Read the full article from Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

Petition for an Emergency Order for the Southern Resident Killer Whales under s. 80 of the Species at Risk Act

fionn-yaxley's picture
Submitted by fionn-yaxley on Thu, 06/06/2024 - 11:36

When the federal government approved TMX, it undertook to protect southern resident Killer Whales. They've done too little, too late: the tankers are already cutting through critical habitat in the Salish Sea. View the full petition document.
