Océans en santé. Communautés en santé

Communiqués de presse (en anglais seulement)

  • January 27, 2016
    Burnaby – First Nations and environmental groups today welcomed the federal government’s announcement of a new “transition process” for projects under environmental review, including Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and oil tanker expansion proposal. However, more detail is needed to determine whether the new review will meet legal obligations to First Nations and succeed in restoring public trust.
  • January 19, 2016
    Burnaby, BC-First Nations and environmental groups are calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to stop the Kinder Morgan process and honour his promise to restore credibility to the environmental assessment process. The groups believe the process is so catastrophically flawed, there is no way that a final recommendation from the NEB can be considered credible.
  • March 7, 2013
    OTTAWA -- Wild salmon advocates from Canada’s east and west coasts are in Ottawa today, and welcome the tabling of the long-awaited Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee Report on Closed Containment technology. The report has the potential to help foster change in Canada’s salmon aquaculture industry and offer much-needed protection for Canada’s wild salmon, coastal fisheries and the communities that depend on healthy oceans.
  • February 8, 2013
    VANCOUVER, B.C. ─ Diluted bitumen won’t exactly sink most of the time but it won’t exactly float all of the time, either, according to new evidence filed with the Joint Review Panel hearing the Enbridge Northern Gateway application in Prince Rupert. In cross-examination by Ecojustice counsel Karen Campbell today, Enbridge consultants admitted that tank test evidence filed this week found dilbit did submerge beneath the surface of the water, although none was found to have sunk to the bottom of the tank.
  • February 5, 2013
    VANCOUVER—A report released today by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development supports Living Oceans Society’s contention that the federal government is failing to live up to its international commitments on effective marine protected areas (MPAs) and has left taxpayers exposed to enormous liabilities for oil spills in Canada’s oceans. The report responds to a petition filed by Living Oceans.
  • January 28, 2013
    SOINTULA, en Colombie-Britannique Un autre petit bateau japonais a été localisé intacte parmi les masses de débris s'accumuler sur les côtes ouest de l'île de Vancouver.
  • January 24, 2013
    VANCOUVER, B.C. ─ A report released today by four environmental groups warns that Kinder Morgan’s new Trans Mountain Pipeline proposal represents an exponential increase in the risk of a major marine-based oil spill affecting the Salish Sea’s most populous region, including the Cities of Vancouver and Victoria and the Southern Gulf Islands. The report analyses the insurance available to pay for spill response costs and damages caused by such a spill and concludes that Canadian taxpayers could be on the hook for as much as 90 percent of the cost.
  • October 31, 2012
    Vancouver, B.C.— Living Oceans Society is pleased to hear a number of the Conservation Coalition recommendations were adopted by the Cohen Commission, reinforcing the concerns of DFO’s mismanagement and the serious threat of net-pen salmon farms on the British Columbia coast. The Cohen report is further proof that a transition away from an open-net pen salmon farming to closed containment is needed immediately.
  • October 19, 2012
    VANCOUVER – Living Oceans Society today released documentation showing that the controversial ocean dumping of iron sulphate, conducted by Old Masset Village and Russ George this summer, was presented to the Credit Union financing the project as a scheme to sell carbon credits, rather than a serious science project.
