Océans en santé. Communautés en santé

Calling on Canada to ratify the High Seas Treaty today!

September 20, 2024



Canada signed the High Seas Treaty on March 4, 2024, but now we need to see more urgency! The historic Treaty requires ratification by 60 countries to make it law and protect marine biodiversity.  We’re nowhere near that yet. 

Canada must act now. The delay by Canada to ratify the Treaty sends a message that swims against being an environmental leader.  The longer Canada waits, the less influence it will wield to shape ocean issues.  As a country surrounded by oceans, this seems short sighted. 

Protecting the High Seas is an essential step in implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework, which sees 30 per cent of land and ocean protected by 2030. Canada’s ratification of the Treaty will signal our commitment to the protection of our oceans and marine biodiversity. 

Let Canada’s leadership know you want the Treaty ratified. Use #HighSeasTreaty #RaceForRatification and tag Minister Lebouthillier and Prime Minister Trudeau in your social media posts. 

You can follow which countries have signed and ratified the agreement here: https://highseasalliance.org/treaty-ratification/table-of-countries