Healthy Oceans. Healthy Communities.

Tell grocers to put a stop to human rights abuses in their seafood supply

July 8, 2024

Recent investigations have revealed the hidden reality of the human rights abuses – from forced labour to debt bondage, inhumane working conditions and more-- associated with some of the seafood that ends up on the shelves of North American grocers.  

Major grocers and companies hold significant influence over what ends up on our shelves. Unfortunately, most palm off their responsibility to flawed certifications or others within their supply chain. That’s why SeaChoice is calling on shoppers to send their grocer a message: it’s high time to take true responsibility for the seafood they sell. 

So far, more than 3,000 shoppers have told grocers such as Sobeys, Loblaws, Costco and Walmart that enough is enough.  

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