Healthy Oceans. Healthy Communities.

Celebrate World Ocean Day

June 7, 2023

This World Ocean Day let’s focus our efforts on removing one clear threat: open–net pen salmon farms. 

We’ve made a great start here in B.C. Four years ago, there were over 100 salmon farm tenures on the books. Thanks primarily to the efforts of Indigenous people, more than 40 have been closed. There are still nearly 60 to go. 

Can you help us with a donation today to continue this work? It’s been a 30-year battle to get this far, and we can’t afford to lose. If industry wins this round with their preferred solution, no government is going to try to mess with them again. 

The scary thing is that industry lobbyists have somehow turned the government’s pledge to remove the farms into a DFO-sponsored attempt to increase the length of licences, add new farms and continue using open-net pens. Plus the federal government has just announced another delay in delivering on their promise to “transition open –net pen salmon farms from B.C. waters by 2025”.

We can't let industry win. We need keep sharing the message that open-net salmon farms have to be removed from B.C. waters now! We’re ready and willing to make it happen, but we need your help. 

We have this hooked on the line, so let’s work together to reel it in! DONATE TODAY.